Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This is my slideshow assignment I did for multimedia applications. It was very simple and easy to make andy it was pretty enjoyable. I learned that the bigger the photo, usually, the lesser the quality. All the work you have to put in is choose the music, transitions, and select a few settings and preview, that's all the work. Pretty easy huh?

Friday, August 17, 2012


Photo Editing Tutorial
        Welcome! My name is Bryce and this is my blog for my multimedia apps class. Our first unit in class is learning how to organize and edit pictures and photos using iPhoto. When editing there is many things you can do to enhance the picture. Some examples are zooming in and out of photos, cropping things in and out, correcting redeye, enhancing automatically, etc. Also, so notable things about events and labeling photos are you can do a lot with a file. You can merge pictures from one file into another. Also you can rename files as well. Lastly, you can add titles, rate your photos, and set keywords for the photos in just a couple simple steps.

Thursday, August 16, 2012



http://morguefile.com/ is a great website to find fair-use photos (terms of use page http://morguefile.com/corporate/terms/ can be found here)

BEWARE! one interesting fact i found in the terms of use page is that at any time you can be premaritally terminated from the page with or without cause. Also, that you would have to pay for "premium" access to the webpage.

Creative Commons Video Summary:
           First off, the video starts with laying down the basics of copyright and it gives an example. The main idea of the example is to not forget the intermediaries. Then the video goes on to talk about what is and isn't copyright and how to to tell if it is copyrighted. Lastly, the video explains the benefits of creative commons and the freed it gives you.